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About us


How It Started

The Boots To Health Foundation began with the mentorship of Don Trott, who crossed paths with Logan Spiewak at the gym. It was from this encounter that a powerful collaboration was born. Don recognized the significance of nurturing one's physical, mental and spiritual well-being and instilled that value in Logan; a desire to extend support to our valued Veterans. 


Despite already owning his own business, Logan felt compelled to do more for our Veterans. Thus, Don and Logan joined forces to establish the Boots To Health Foundation.  


The Boots To Health Foundation is passionately committed to supporting local Veterans in improving their physical, mental, and spiritual well-being, at no cost to them.


At the Boots To Health Foundation, our mission is clear: to empower Veterans in leading healthier lives by providing them with complimentary physical fitness training, nutrition coaching, spiritual counseling, and life coaching. We believe that a holistic approach is crucial in addressing every aspect of their well-being, breaking down barriers that hinder their health priorities.


Our aim is not just to assist Veterans, but to empower them to thrive in every aspect of their lives. By leveraging our expertise and resources, we provide a comprehensive support system that goes beyond traditional healthcare approaches. Through customized physical fitness training, personalized nutrition coaching, and tailored spiritual and life counseling, we ensure that every Veteran in our program receives the individualized care they deserve.

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